Suggestions for Chapter Activities

SCHOOL PAPER. Publish articles about your chapter initiation and other activities.

HONORS PROGRAM. If your school has one, establish relations and offer the services of your organization. You can help each other recruit.

LIBRARY. Investigate the possibility of helping with book donation drives and sales to benefit collections.

TUTORIAL SERVICE. Many students need help with language study. Your enthusiasm can be contagious, and your experience can help other students overcome difficulties.

PIZZA WITH PROFESSORS. Or paella or punch or whatever! Get to know profes-sors on a social basis and show your appreciation by treating them .

FOOD FAIR. Have students prepare foods from different countries for members and guests to sample. Try to involve foreign students.

SPONSORED LECTURES AND SEMINARS. Invite students and professors to speak on topics related to language and cultural awareness.

CONVERSA TION GROUPS. Sponsor regular meetings for informal chats in lan-guages studied by chapter members. Invite native speakers of other languages, and offer to help them with their English in exchange for their help with their language .

QUIZ BOWL. Utilize research expertise and stimulate quick thinking by sponsoring a contest.

PROFESSIONAL PROMOTION. Invite people from the community to speak on ways in which second language knowledge and awareness of other countries is important in various professions.

(Compiled by Juan Barroso VIII, from materials distributed at the ACHS conference.)